Breathe guarantees the
delivery of oxygen
to your facility on time, every time and
Logistics Partners
Health-care Centers
Africa Cities
The Current
State of Access
to Oxygen
High Incidence of Death
In Nigeria, more than 625,000 deaths occur annually due to diseases associated with hypoxaemia-insufficient oxygen in the blood or low blood oxygen saturation.
Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), 2013
Disease Outbreak
"Diseases requiring oxygen for treatment are accounting for a larger share of the burden of diseases than a decade ago. The challenges limiting oxygen access stem from trends, including population growth and epidemiological shifts, increased reliance on limited domestic resources"
Inefficient Supply-chain
In sub-Saharan Africa, lack of access to oxygen can be attributed to a host of prevailing conditions including a fragmented supply and distribution system for oxygen and oxygen delivery systems worsen facility-level barriers to oxygen access.
Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria. 2017
How it
1. Register
Simply download Breathe Mobile App or register on our website
2. Onboarding
Simply provide your information as required for onboarding.
3. Place your Order
Specify your requirement and place your order on the Breathe Mobile App.
4. Track your Order
Enjoy the App tracking functionality, see how close your order is away from you.
5. Receive your Order
Enjoy fast and affordable oxygen at your doorstep.
6. Make every Breath count!
Health and Happiness is our concern. Thanks for trusting us.
Who is using
Over the last 3 years, we have averted more than 20,000 hypoxaemia-related deaths as a result of various partnerships. With your partnership, we can improve this narrative.
See some partners